
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment video thumbnail
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image
  • Judgment Image

Judgment is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. The game is a legal thriller set in the Yakuza world of Kamurocho and follows private detective Takayuki Yagami as he investigates a serial murder case. It stars Japanese actor Takuya Kimura and employs a fighting system similar to that of Yakuza 0 where players can change into different styles, namely crane-style which is more focused on fighting groups and tiger-style which is more focused on fighting individuals. Additionally, the game features an investigation mode where the player must find traces of the criminal.

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