This Is the Police

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  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police video thumbnail
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image
  • This Is the Police Image

Jack Boyd, beloved police chief of Freeburg, has 180 days before he's forced to retire. But Jack won't be going out quietly. Over the next six months, he'll be going all out to fulfill a dream: earn half a million dollars, any way he can. That might be play money for a corrupt cop, but up until now, Jack has been playing by the book. Even with overtime, in six months he wouldn't make fifty grand. But a police chief has access to all sorts of… informal income. Bribes, weapons and drug sales, deals with the Mafia, skimming off the budget, kickbacks – you name it. And Jack is tired of playing nice. He's is ready for anything, but only you can decide how far he'll go.

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This Is the Police
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