Soul Edge

  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge video thumbnail
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image
  • Soul Edge Image

Soul Edge is a 3D arcade fighting game and the first in the Soul series, it is one of the first 3D fighting game in history that place a particular emphasis on the story of the fighters. Each character have their own weapon, allowing for a wide range of play styles. The slower, longer ranged characters try to deliver their heavy blows from a distance whereas the quicker, faster characters try to get in as close as possible and deliver quick-hitting attacks.

Soul Edge cover art
Soul Edge
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