Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy

  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image
  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image
  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image
  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image
  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image
  • Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy Image

Command 8 new unique divisions with the Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy expansion. Discover the multinational face of battle with fully voiced Italian, Brazilian, and Indian nations, new infantry and soldier models, 300 new units, and dozens of new vehicles and planes.

Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy cover art
Steel Division 2: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy
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