Jak and Daxter Collection

  • Jak and Daxter Collection video thumbnail
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection video thumbnail
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image
  • Jak and Daxter Collection Image

The Jak and Daxter Collection is a compilation of the first three main instalments in the Jak and Daxter series (The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, and Jak 3) remastered in full 720p HD with support for 3D graphics and PlayStation Network trophies.

Jak and Daxter Collection cover art
Jak and Daxter Collection
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