Pro Games Player

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A Plug & Play console with a built-in NES-analog chip (famiclone), which comes with a 72 in 1 multicart with unlicensed NES games, and also with the following 51 games, made for famiclones, built-in: Hitting Mices Exist Cute Fish Corr Idor M_Day Danger Zone - (misspelt "Denger Zone") Water Fire Xmas Gift (hack of Mad Xmas) Edacity Snakes Pop Monster Trooper Robot Archer Aether Fighter Final Man Shooting Balloons - (misspelt "Shooting Ballons") Santa Claus Brave Boy Magical Kitchen Boxes World Radish Field Lawn Purge Stub Game Germ Killer Way Out Xtreme Robot (hack of Super Contra 7) Boxing Wrestle - (misspelt "Boxing Werstle") Huarongdao Police Skill Guard Farm Desert Gunman Diamond Close Quarters Horrible Area Table Tennis Star Highway Racing Triple Baseball Access Block Heli Mission Twin Cards Play Dice Corridor Maze Puzzle Cat Vs. Dog

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Pro Games Player
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