Doggo Dentist

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  • Doggo Dentist Image
  • Doggo Dentist Image
  • Doggo Dentist video thumbnail
  • Doggo Dentist Image
  • Doggo Dentist Image
  • Doggo Dentist Image

Welcome to Yarrow. You are our newest Doggo Dentist! During your totally rad career and stay with us, you will meet so many gnarly furry friends, promote your professional career and figure out what makes Yarrow the leading market competitor. So what are you waiting for? Lets begin! Doggo Dentist is my newest free and short indie point-and click game made in six weeks, on the engine Clickteam fusion. This is the beta version- so it may be buggy! Doggo Dentist is an awesome and totally tubular, 80's inspired point and click management game, that you should like most definitely give a try. Play as a newly hired dentist who must figure out how to perform his job in a not so radical dental firm called Yarrow. Manage cleanings, extractions, veterinary services and many more tasks on 3 unique canines, as you take the advice and heated conversation from another fellow employee named Chanice. All in all, you must figure out what to make of your new career and decide if Yarrow is the right fit for you!

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Doggo Dentist
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