WWF King of the Ring

  • WWF King of the Ring Image
  • WWF King of the Ring Image

WWF King of the Ring is a wrestling game that uses the World Wrestling Federation license. Each wrestler possesses personal attributes in three categories: strength, speed, and stamina. The wrestlers share the same set of moves, consisting of punches, kicks, body slam, throw, dropkick, suplex, stomps, elbow drops, and a move off the turnbuckle. There are no signature moves unique to each wrestler. There are eleven wrestlers in total: Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Yokozuna, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, Bam Bam Bigelow, The Undertaker (the last two are absent from the GameBoy version), and a wrestler the player can create with custom attributes. The game features one-on-one matches, championship matches, tag team matches, and the King of the Ring tournament.

WWF King of the Ring cover art
WWF King of the Ring
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