Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga

  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image
  • Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga Image

The world is a chaotic, terrifying place, rife with all manner of monsters, warlords and hostile architecture. Even for the mighty Pachacamac clan, just the act of survival is a day to day struggle, and everybody seems to know that they can't keep it up forever. In pursuit of a safe home, a lone shaman named Ichima happens apon the Special Stage - and with it, a means of realizing their dreams of safety and peace...

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Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga
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