Ridge Racer V: Arcade Battle
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![Cover image of Ridge Racer V: Arcade Battle](https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_1080p/co8r9x.jpg)
Ridge Racer V: Arcade Battle is a racing arcade game developed by Namco and released in 2000. It runs on Namco's System 246 hardware and is the ninth installment in the Ridge Racer... read more >>
![Ridge Racer V: Arcade Battle cover art](https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_1080p/co8r9x.jpg)
Ridge Racer V: Arcade Battle is a racing arcade game developed by Namco and released in 2000. It runs on Namco's System 246 hardware and is the ninth installment in the Ridge Racer... read more >>