Ghost 1.0

  • Ghost 1.0 video thumbnail
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 video thumbnail
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image
  • Ghost 1.0 Image

A mysterious agent, capable of becoming a digital ghost, sneaks aboard the Nakamura Space Station. This is where the fun begins: the station is well-protected with its heavy defences, never-ending arsenal of weapons, and mysterious artifacts. It will all have to be destroyed.

Ghost 1.0 cover art
Ghost 1.0
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