Fibbage XL

  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image
  • Fibbage XL Image

NOTE: This game first appeared in The Jackbox Party Pack. It’s Fibbage XL – The Hilarious Bluffing Party Game in standalone form! Fool your friends with your lies, avoid theirs, and find the (usually outrageous) truth. “The mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky is a ____.” Baby? Rabbit? Ham sandwich? Go!

Fibbage XL cover art
Fibbage XL
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