All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.

  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. video thumbnail
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. video thumbnail
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image
  • All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Image

All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. was a promotional item given out as a contest prize by the Japanese radio show All Night Nippon to celebrate its twentieth year on the air. It is mainly a graphical hack of Super Mario Bros., although a handful of levels are from Super Mario Bros. 2. Some of the games sprites have been changed to look like famous Japanese celebrities and other people related to the All-Night Nippon program.

All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. cover art
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.
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