James 'Buster' Douglas Knock Out Boxing
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![Cover image of James 'Buster' Douglas Knock Out Boxing](https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_1080p/sq4oozb4fiqqdcxtd5az.jpg)
Final Blow is an action game based around the sport of boxing. You can play the fighters in a sequence of knock-out competitions, (the computer versions also include a round-robin... read more >>
![James 'Buster' Douglas Knock Out Boxing cover art](https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_1080p/sq4oozb4fiqqdcxtd5az.jpg)
Final Blow is an action game based around the sport of boxing. You can play the fighters in a sequence of knock-out competitions, (the computer versions also include a round-robin... read more >>