Child of Light

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  • Child of Light video thumbnail
  • Child of Light video thumbnail
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  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light video thumbnail
  • Child of Light video thumbnail
  • Child of Light video thumbnail
  • Child of Light video thumbnail
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  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image
  • Child of Light Image

The Black Queen has stolen the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. You play as Aurora, a young princess with a pure heart whose soul is brought to the kingdom of Lemuria. Embark on a quest to recapture the three sources of light, defeat the Black Queen and restore the kingdom of Lemuria.

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Child of Light
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