Heroes of the Storm

  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm video thumbnail
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image
  • Heroes of the Storm Image

Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer online battle arena video game by Blizzard Entertainment. The game brings together characters (known in the game as heroes) from multiple Blizzard universes, such as Warcraft and StarCraft and puts them against each other in an arena in a 5 versus 5 battle. Heroes of the Storm features multiple game modes, such as co-op (PCs vs. NPCs) and versus (PCs vs. PCs).

Heroes of the Storm cover art
Heroes of the Storm
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