
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria video thumbnail
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image
  • Aquaria Image

A massive ocean world, teeming with life and filled with ancient secrets. Join Naija, a lone underwater dweller in search of her family, as she explores the depths of Aquaria. She'll travel from hidden caves, shrouded in darkness, to beautiful, sunlit oases, all lovingly handcrafted by its two creators. Naija's story, narrated fully with voice overs, will become yours, as you join her on this magnificent adventure.

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