Punch Ball Mario Bros.

  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. video thumbnail
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. video thumbnail
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image
  • Punch Ball Mario Bros. Image

Punch Ball Mario Bros. is very similar to Mario Bros., but with new objects called Punch Balls that could now be thrown to stun enemies. Once stunned, the hit enemy could be hit like normal. The details of the licensing of this game are not clear, but Punch Ball Mario Bros. is probably one of the earliest licensed Mario games. It is unknown why Hudson Soft was permitted the rights to and chose to make the game.

Punch Ball Mario Bros. cover art
Punch Ball Mario Bros.
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