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  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen video thumbnail
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image
  • Draugen Image

Draugen is a first-person psychological horror adventure, set amongst the deep fjords and towering mountains of Norway’s awe-inspiring west coast. The game is a dark and disturbing journey into the pitch black heart of Norwegian national romanticism, as seen through the eyes of an American nature photographer, botanist and entomologist.

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